All posts in Smile Makeover

22 Jan 2016

Anatomy of a Smile Makeover

Cosmetic dentistry encompasses a lot of different procedures. All of them are designed to help make your smile look better. The extent to which we can provide a smile makeover is often dependent upon the structural soundness of your teeth and gums.

Often, reconstruction work must be done before cosmetic work can. Sometimes this even involves a full mouth reconstruction. A full examination by a qualified dentist is necessary before undergoing cosmetic dentistry work. We would like to tell you more about cosmetic dentistry here.

Considerations for Smile Makeovers
A smile makeover works with a lot of different factors, including skin tone and hair colour. The full appearance of the teeth is also considered: shape, length, width, colour and display. Then the gums and lips are also taken into consideration. People have many reasons for getting smile makeovers and they are customised to the unique needs of the patient.

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